Major Adam Cybanski is a tactical helicopter pilot with over 20 years and 2500 hours on fixed and rotary wing aircraft including the CT114 Tutor, CH139 Jet Ranger, CH135 Twin Huey and CH146 Griffon. He completed a tour in Haiti as Night Vision Goggle Specialist and Maintenance Test Pilot, and has managed the CH146 Griffon Full Flight Simulator. He is a graduate of the Aerospace Systems Course and holds a BSc in Computer Mathematics from Carleton University.
Major Cybanski was the Canadian Flight Safety representative to NATO. As a Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft accident investigator, he was responsible for helicopter investigations, and oversaw the Bell 412, Jet Ranger, Sea King, EH101 Cormorant, and Chinook fleets, as well as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. He has received several commendations by the Chief of the Air Force for his work in simulation & visualization, and was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) by the Governor General of Canada for his work in flight safety.
Mr. Cybanski has been leading the way in velocity from video analysis. He has currently conducted over one hundred velocity from video accident investigations on aircraft, automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, buses, tractor-trailers, bicycles, pedestrians, skateboards, and a forklift. He has been designated as an expert witness in Canada and the USA and has been frequently been asked to speak about video analysis at accident reconstruction conferences and seminars, including ARC-CSI, WREX, IPTM and many regional accident investigation associations. Building on extensive experience, Mr. Cybanski continues to support accident investigators, conduct video velocity analysis testing and write published articles on the subject.