Velocity Analysis from Video using SynthEyes
Dash camera and surveillance camera (cell phone) analysis using SynthEyes. Testing was conducted to validate the workflow. Geolocated features were…
AI Frame Interpolation
Videos clips are often recorded at a frame rate that is lower than the 24/29.97/30 fps standards. Some examples include…
Speed testing
Gyro has conducted and directed speed testing many times over the last six years. A vehicle is equipped with high-fidelity…
Dash camera analysis
On 21-23 September 2016, the Illinois Association of Technical Accident Investigators (IATAI) held their 30th annual traffic crash reconstruction conference…
USC Aviation Data Analysis
Adam Cybanski teaches on short aviation courses at the University of Southern California four times a year. One of the…
Large traffic analysis
Gyro has developed methods to analyze large numbers of vehicles using semi-automated analysis. A traffic camera or cell phone can…
Gyro surpasses 150 investigations!
As of 30 August 2021, Gyro Flight & Safety Analysis Inc. has passed 150 velocity from video investigations. Over the…
Traffic Camera Analysis
The advantage of video analysis is that it provides its own method of validation. Derived data can be animated in…
Welcome to Gyro!
Gyro Flight & Safety Analysis Inc. specializes in extraction of velocity and motion data from accident video. Our video…